Published in 2017 by Talos, “The Caledonian Gambit” is a captivating novel by Dan Moren that immerses readers in a galaxy teetering on the brink of war. Set against the backdrop of a cold war between the superpowers of the Illyrican Empire and the Commonwealth, this story follows the intertwining fates of Simon Kovalic, the Commonwealth’s top spy, and Kyle Rankin, a lowly soldier on the remote planet of Sabea. However, as their destinies unfold, it becomes clear that Rankin is not who he appears to be; his true identity is Eli Brody, a fugitive from his home world of Caledonia. Kovalic needs Brody to confront the past he desperately tried to escape, as Brody’s connections may hold the key to achieving peace in the galaxy. This fast-paced narrative, packed with political intrigue and unforgettable characters, has garnered an average rating of 3.87 from over 1,600 readers on Goodreads, reflecting its mix of suspense and sci-fi adventure. With 314 pages of engaging storytelling, Dan Moren strikes a perfect balance between classic science fiction vibes and modern sensibilities, making “The Caledonian Gambit” a must-read for genre enthusiasts.